Millar/Deason Trophy
Played in recognition of services to their respective Associations and bowls in general, provided over many years. Initially played from 1976 by RVBA Councillors H.C. Fitzroy (CBA) and J.J. McMahon (CHBA) and then from 1991 by RVBA Councillors Max Deason (CBA) and Ian Millar (CHBA). Following a social lunch gathering (at times too social), the event is played annually on a date as agreed by the respective Associations (now Divisions), over 21 ends between the Central and Central Highlands Bowls Divisions with the venue selected by the host Division on a rotational basis between the Divisions. Early matches were all male but with the advent of unification, it became a mixed gender event with 4 rinks of Men and 3 rinks of Women bowlers representing their divisions. Initially the inclusion of an Official Rink representing each Association and their scores was included to engender the friendship aspect and their scores were included in the overall result, however as the tally of bottles of red at lunch mounted it was eventually decided that they would should not be included in deciding the winner and were eventually dropped from playing in the format. The winning Division is decided by the combined overall scores on the day and the trophy is held by that Division for the next 12 months, normally at the winning Divisions Presidents Club. |
Year |
Winner |
Venue |
2020 | ||
2019 | ||
2018 | ||
2017 | ||
2016 | ||
2015 | ||
2014 | ||
2013 | ||
2012 | ||
2011 | Central Bowling Association | Bacchus Marsh |
2010 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Alexandra |
2009 | Central Bowling Association | MT Cottrell |
2008 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Kilmore |
2007 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Diggers Rest |
2006 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Kilmore |
2005 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Lancefield |
2004 | Central Bowling Association | Broadford |
2003 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Wallan |
2002 | Central Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
2001 | Central Bowling Association | Wallan |
2000 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Seymour |
1999 | Central Bowling Association | Gisborne |
1998 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
1997 | Central Bowling Association | Lancefield |
1996 | Central Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
1995 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Sunbury |
1994 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
1993 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Melton |
1992 | Central Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
1991 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Sunbury |
Prior to this point the event was known as the H.C. Fitzroy (CBA Councillor) & J.J. McMahon (CHBA Councilor) Trophy |
1990 | Central Bowling Association | Alexandra |
1989 | Central Bowling Association | |
1988 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
1987 | ||
1986 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Romsey |
1985 | ||
1984 | Central Bowling Association | Sunbury |
1983 | Central Bowling Association | Broadford |
1982 | Central Bowling Association | Lancefield |
1981 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Kilmore |
1980 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Bacchus Marsh |
1979 | Central Bowling Association | Whittlesea |
1978 | Central Bowling Association | Kyneton |
1977 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Yea |
1976 | Central Highlands Bowling Association | Kyneton |